Sometimes a client comes through the door of my real estate business thinking they want to move to a new home.
If they approached any other agent, they might immediately begin a home search or take steps to put their current home on the market for sale.
I work a little differently. Before I stir into action and start scheduling showings and photo shoots, I take the time to ask some questions.
We take a step back as I help them get clear on their actual desires and what they value.
Many times what is revealed is that the client doesn’t really want to move — at least not yet. They may have gotten caught up in market frenzy or listening to friends talk about their homes, which sparked a desire for something bigger and better. Or they heard everyone talking about the great passive income stream from owning rental properties.
After some pointed questions that help them clarify their values they realize that isn’t what they want. They realize that a decluttering and a space reorganization can give them more space. Or they acknowledge that they don’t want the headaches and extra work that comes with owning a rental property.
Sometimes it turns out that what the client is seeking is a change — and that the first change they need is a change of career or life direction. A new home may be in the cards, but it’s not the priority yet.
If I didn’t pause to help them get clear on their values and what they really desired, we would waste a lot of time taking actions that had no clear outcomes.
Months of spinning wheels like this would lead to frustration for the client and for me. For the client, because they would likely stop themselves from moving forward toward their stated objective. And for me because in the traditional real estate business model, I’d be investing my time and energy to work with this client without a paycheck.
(A different type of real estate agent would simply pressure the client to buy or sell, which is how real estate agents get the reputation as being sleazy. But I digress.)
It’s this dynamic that forced me, early in my real estate business, to learn the importance of pausing to help a client get clear on their true vision and values before we started hitting the pavement.
Why You Get Stuck in Getting What You Want
The reason most business owners get stuck in growing their businesses is the same reason people get stuck when buying or selling a home. It is not because they are lacking a strategy.
In most cases,
(1) they aren’t clear on what they really want and what they truly value;
(2) the energy of what’s happening in some other part of their life is interfering; and/or
(3) they need better rituals and strategies for harnessing their energy and focus to do the work.
Everything is Connected
My study of astrology constantly reminds me that we always need to look at everything that’s happening together, within the context in which it is occurring.
In other words: nothing happens in isolation.
This is helpful to keep in mind today as Venus in Leo forms a square to Jupiter in Taurus, and Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces.
On the surface, these aspects may not seem related.
But in life, things that happens in one area impact other areas. This is true in the physical body, in the events of our days, in business, and in all aspects of world events.
Nothing stands alone.
Everything is connected.
And even the moments that seem small and insignificant set the stage for what will happen next.
Today’s astrological aspects may be brief, but they are each a part of a larger story, and those stories weave together.
So what are these stories?
Venus in Leo Square Jupiter in Taurus
Venus is currently retrograde in Leo, and this is the second of three squares Venus will make to Jupiter. This is the apex of a story that opened with their square on [date]. The final chapter will occur on September 17.
Venus is the planet that speaks to what we desire and value. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and blessings. Squares between these planets can show us where we have a desire for more — especially more in the areas ruled by Venus: money, pleasure, comfort, beauty, art, creativity.
If not kept in check, Venus square Jupiter can lead to over-indulgence.
Sometimes we think our problems will be solved by having more, but more isn’t necessarily better.
More stuff means more to organize. More money might mean more worries about losing it, or fears that it will make you a target.
The first square between Venus and Jupiter might have set the stage with the seed of a desire. Now, with Venus retrograde, is the opportunity to check in with ourselves to see if what we thought we desired is really what we desire.
We’ll have one more meeting between these planets to finalize our desires.
Mars in Virgo Opposing Neptune in Pisces
Mars is the planet of ambition and drive. It wants to get things done. In Virgo, it has fertile earth to plow. Virgo loves checking off the boxes and organizing ways to work effectively.
But Neptune is dreamy and illusory. It’s the planet of faith and dissolution. Especially in watery Pisces, Neptune just wants to dream. Neptune here can feel like a fog. When a fog sets in, it’s hard to move forward at high speed, especially on a linear path.
Mars opposing Neptune can show up as taking action without a clear goal or outcome. Action for the sake of appearing busy but not truly accomplishing anything.
It can lead to frustration when we don’t get hoped-for results.
It might feel a little chaotic.
This is happening the day before Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, bringing its own chaos.
The Lesson: Get Clear Before Taking Action
The best way to avoid the frustration of trying to take action in a fog is to slow down and get clear.
This is the message of today’s two aspects: Mars likes to move fast, but often the way to move fast is to start slowly. Firing on all cylinders in the wrong direction will only lead you down a painful road.
Pause to revisit your values and desires. Get clear on what you truly desire and how you want to get there. Create a map and a plan for how to traverse the landscape. Maybe even a better system to take you there.
Then take action.
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