If you want to make a sustainable change in any part of your life, if you want to turn your dreams into reality, it’s not enough to make a “resolution.”
Setting intentions or goals won’t move the needle much.
And forget about “changing habits”; habits are largely unconscious. You can’t change what you don’t see.
The most reliable way to create long-term sustainable change is to make a commitment.
A commitment affirms a decision by imposing accountability — even if it’s to yourself.
[Read more: 3 Tips for Making Commitments You Will Keep]A commitment provides a structure that holds you.
A commitment makes things real.
In the cycle of the year, certain days are better suited than others to making big commitments.
Today is one of those days, as Saturn forms a conjunction with the Sun in Aquarius, in what’s known as a cazimi.
Saturn is a challenging planet. It is the planet of restriction, limitation, and rejection. It is also the planet that teaches us the importance of boundaries, structure, and how to play time to turn our desires into reality.
A conjunction is a new beginning.
Today’s Saturn cazimi in Aquarius, a sign that Saturn rules, is an initiation to a new cycle of commitment.
On the heels of the expansive Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, the Saturn cazimi in Aquarius brings almost the opposite energy.
It’s time to commit to your dreams. Time to put structures around what we want to create and build.
Many creatives immediately resist the idea of structure. We want to go with the flow, follow the muse, be in the moment, feel free.
But structure is actually the path to that freedom.
Structures give us freedom to say no to what might be a distraction or get in the way of going after our dreams.
Things worth building or creating usually don’t happen overnight. They often take time — sometimes years. Saturn teaches us how to play time, and remain patient until we get what we want. It teaches us how to impose boundaries and limits.
Saying “no” to things that don’t align with our desires preserves the commitment we’ve made to what we desire.
This is where we take the big dreams and create a structure to help us turn those dreams and desires into reality.
[Read more: 3 Tips for Making Commitments You Will Keep]Some Journal Prompts for Saturn Cazimi
Here are some questions to ask yourself at the Saturn Cazimi:
- What am I committed to creating?
- What structures and support do I need in place to help me create it?
- What will I need to say “no” to in order to uphold my commitment?
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