Audentes Fortuna iuvat. (Fortune favors the bold.)
— Virgil, Roman poet
The things we most desire in our lives do not just come to us. And contrary to popular spiritual belief, we don’t just “manifest” them by wishing them into being.
Whatever you want in life, there’s only one way to get it:
- Get clear on what it is and how it looks.
- Go out and ask for it or find ways to create it.
It’s that simple, and that complicated.
Getting clear on what you truly desire is harder than it may appear. We get brainwashed by culture and family and friends into thinking we desire what others have without looking at what their lives are really like.
Once we identify it, the hurdle to ask for it can often loom large.
Maybe we’ll upset people who think we are asking for too much.
Perhaps we fear they won’t like us.
We may fear coming across as selfish.
Maybe we have beliefs about whether we deserve what we desire, whether we’ve earned it, whether we have permission to want it.
Or maybe we fear the consequences that might result if and when we actually get what we desire.
All these what-ifs and fears can loom large, keeping us stuck in a status quo.
Today’s new moon invites us to break through this status quo with a radical reinvention of ourselves and our story.
New Moon in Leo: Radical Reinvention
This new moon arrives in the sign of Leo, the Sun’s home sign. This is the sign of the lion; a place of courage and confidence, boldness and bravery, creativity and self-assuredness.
As the Sun and Moon join together, still in close proximity to Venus, which is retrograding here, inviting us into a review of our values, relationships, and visibility.
This moon also falls in an exact square — an aspect of friction — to Uranus in Taurus.
Uranus is the planet of change, revolution, rebellion, and unexpected surprises.
Leo and Taurus are both fixed signs; neither one likes change.
Uranus’ energy in the mix and feel chaotic and disruptive; perhaps even destructive.
While it might not feel good, sometimes we need disruption and destruction to catalyze our courage to take a risk and forge a new path.
This new moon speaks to us of doing something in a radically different way from how we’ve done it before.
To do something different requires letting go of what and how you’ve done things before.
Any action that upsets the status quo — either in your personal life or in the collective — comes with risk.
You may fail, fumble, or fall.
You also might discover something new about yourself.
What might you discover if you threw out the playbook and the rule book for best practices and rewrote your own rules of life, your own plan for claiming and pursuing what you desire?
Who might you discover if you released yourself from the structures that society has imposed on you?
A radical reinvention requires that you let go of who you have been and the ways you have always done things, and step into a new way of living and being.
A caterpillar doesn’t emerge from its cocoon as a better caterpillar; it emerges as a whole new being.
What new story might you create with this new moon?

[…] despite admiring Martha for her skill at constant reinvention, I internalized a different message. The message that stuck with me was that reinventing yourself […]