How much time and energy do you spend each day trying to “figure things out”?
If you’re like me — if you’re like most human beings with a working mind — probably more time than you realize. It’s part of the nature of the mind to wrap itself around an issue or problem and try to “figure it out.” Sometimes we engage in this process consciously, while other times it’s just happening below the surface of our awareness.
The rational mind loves to collect data and information and apply it to whatever challenge lays before us. Even right now, somewhere in the back of your mind you are assessing, planning, figuring.
Should you keep reading this? What will you have for dinner tonight? How will you complete that project that’s due next week?
In the language of astrology, Mercury in Gemini is the archetype of this function of the mind.
On June 15, 2023, as Mercury in Gemini forms a square to Saturn in Pisces, we are reminded that, contrary to the claims of entrepreneur Marie Forleo, not everything is “figureoutable.”
Mercury and Saturn: It’s All About the Angles
In some ways, Mercury and Saturn appear to be almost opposites. Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system. Especially in its home sign of Gemini, it’s quick, clever, and playful. Mercury is the Messenger, the Trickster, the Magician.
Saturn is not only slow; it insists on slowness. It’s role is to teach us the value of structure, boundaries, and patience to see something through over the long arc of time.
Although they move at vastly different speeds, Mercury and Saturn do have some common ground. Mercury loves to plan; Saturn appreciates a good plan to give us the structure we need to see something through over time.
With the planets, as in life, it’s all about the angles.
On The Astrology Podcast, astrologer Austin Coppock explained that sometimes when Mercury is in aspect to Saturn, Mercury can bring solutions to a Saturn problem.
A square, however, is not that type of angle. A square creates friction. In a square, it’s hard for them to act in a synergistic way.
Mercury Square Saturn: Friction in Communication
On the most basic level, Mercury square Saturn can bring friction or restriction to our writing projects and other forms of communication.
Mercury square Saturn can show up as difficulty articulating what you want to say, or a critical reaction to your work.
It can serve as a reminder to spell-check or proofread your draft before you send it out into the world, or as a wholesale re-edit of your big manifesto or manuscript.
Squares might feel frustrating, but they aren’t “bad.” Rather, they provide the resistance we need to grow stronger.
The editor who redlines your draft may cause delays, but ultimately you’ll have a better final product. The person who critiques your work or your offer can help you see potential objections before they arise, leading to more sales.
At the very least, Mercury square Saturn might reveal what is getting in the way of your ability to articulate yourself coherently and communicate your message.
Mercury in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces: More Information Isn’t the Answer
When looking at the energy of any aspect, it’s important to consider not only the angle, but also where the planets are currently residing.
Mercury is currently in its home sign of Gemini, where it has strength to do Mercury things: collecting, categorizing, labeling, and dispersing data and information, planning, and communicating. And doing it all very quickly.
Saturn in Pisces is concerned with deeper issues.
Pisces is a sign of feeling and emotion. This is a place of going inward and underwater for deep healing. Pisces is the ocean of oneness, where everything merges and dissolves into everything else.
In Pisces Mercury is in its fall, which means it’s typical mode of operation doesn’t work here.
On The Astrology Podcast, Austin Coppack explained that it’s as if Mercury says to Saturn, “I see you have a problem; here’s a book about the issue.” And Saturn says, “thanks, but that’s not going to cut it; this problem requires deep healing.”
This square is a reminder that not all problems can be solved with more data, information, thinking, or planning.
How to Resolve the Friction of Mercury Square Saturn
As Albert Einstein (a Pisces sun!) said,
We cannot solve problems at the same level of thinking that created them.
You can’t always solve a problem with the mind, especially when the mind is what is creating the problem in the first place.
When I look at what keeps me from sharing my message, the culprit is often overthinking in all it’s forms: over-strategizing, planning, worrying, ruminating.
If your problem is that you’re overthinking, more planning, information, and figuring things out won’t provide a solution.
Planning can be useful, but it can also interfere with doing.
Ultimately, our attempts to plan, strategize, and “figure things out” are rooted in the illusion of control: the belief that if we plan well enough we can control the outcome and the process.
In the waters of Pisces, we learn the art of surrender: to have faith and trust in the unfolding of life and in the plan that is determined by a force bigger than ourselves.
Solutions to Pisces problems come from intuition, faith and trust.
Even if your message doesn’t feel coherent to you in the moment, and even if you’re not sure where it’s going to lead, the way past the friction is simply to share it, and surrender the rest to a higher power. Trust that it will find its way to the right people. Let it go and keep swimming.
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