There comes a point at which the work you do on yourself means nothing if you can’t take it out into the world. If the peace you find in solitude evaporates in relationship, then you never really found that peace to begin with.
The Autumn equinox arrives in the Northern Hemisphere as the Sun enters Libra, pulling our focus and our energy out of our individual silos and into relationships and the collective.
Why Libra Season is Significant
Every month as the sun changes signs it brings a new energy, but certain transitions feel more potent. The Sun’s shift from Virgo into Libra is one of the most significant moments of the year.
First, because it marks one of the four major turns of the wheel: the equinox is a moment when the Earth pauses, and when daylight and nighttime find equal measure.
Second, because the shift from Virgo to Libra marks the midway point in the Zodiacal year. The first six signs of the zodiac, from Aries through Virgo, speak to our journeys as individuals.
We started with Aries, the sign of the initiator, the individualist. It was all about the me. Libra is the partner and opposite to Aries, 180-degrees across the wheel. Libra is the sign of we. This is where we take the work we’ve done on ourselves and we bring it into relationship.
Nobody is truly independent. We need other people to get things done, to survive, to create. And it’s in the context of those relationships that we truly see ourselves. Relationships are the mirror in which we see our true nature.
Seeking Balance and Harmony
With the Sun’s entrance into Libra, we introduce polarity, opposition, and the tension that emerges between two people or two seemingly disparate things.
Libra is a cardinal air sign ruled by Venus, the planet of relationships and beauty. In Libra, we seek harmony and beauty, a pleasing aesthetic.
Libra’s symbol is the scales of justice; it is always seeking to mediate the polarities by seeking the balance point, the place where two seemingly contradictory things can live in harmony.
Yin and yang. Masculine and feminine. Me and we. Work and rest. Theory and practice. Practical and spiritual.
And so on.
All apparent dualities contain their opposites within them. The yin is in the yang, and the yang is in the yin. The practical is in the spiritual and the spiritual is in the practical.
Without a strong sense of who we are as individuals, we cannot be healthy in relationship. And if we give ourselves over completely to our relationships, we lose our sense of self.
The magic lies in walking the tightrope of being true to ourselves and giving in relationship.
In it’s healthiest form, Libra is the where we embrace the “both, and” framing. We find room for all perspectives, weaving them together in a beautiful (and functional) tapestry.
Out of balance, Libra can be indecisive or veer into people-pleasing, losing itself.
The sweet spot is knowing who you are enough to hold your own in relationship, and allowing that relationship to reflect back to you the pieces that you cannot see on your own.
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