Today the sun moves into the zodiac sign of Pisces, the final sign in the zodiacal wheel that maps the sky.
This marks the start of Pisces season, which typically runs from February 18 to March 20.
Here are 5 things to know about Pisces season:
(1) Mutable Sign
Every sign of the zodiac falls into one of three modalities: cardinal, fixed, or mutable.
As the last sign of the winter season (in the Northern Hemisphere), Pisces is a mutable sign. Mutable signs transition from one season to the next.
(2) Water Sign
Every sign is associated with one of the four main elements: fire, earth, air, or water.
Pisces is a water sign. Water represents our emotions, and being in flow with life.
(3) Characteristics and Energy
The signs of the zodiac evolve into each other. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces incorporates elements and the lessons learned from each sign that comes before it.
Although Pisces symbol is the fish, we can also think of it as the ocean: vast, all encompassing, and boundaryless.
Pisces is known for being a spiritual sign, representing the oneness of all beings. In the traditional astrology systems it is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of blessings and expansiveness. It’s modern ruler is Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions.
Pisces is often associated with dreams, introspection, and inner wisdom. It’s an emotional and sensitive sign, attuned to all energies from all beings.
It is associated with the 12th house, the area of life that represents our spirituality, life lessons, dreams, emotions, and the subconscious.
(4) Themes of Pisces Season
This is the ending of the zodiacal year. As the sun makes its journey through this last sign in the zodiacal wheel, it invites us to reflect on the past year and how we’ve evolved.
It’s a time to pause to assess what we’ve learned and integrate the lessons we are taking into the next trip around the wheel.
Pisces energy can feel murky — some call it the “muddy” season, reflecting the conditions that occur as temperatures warm and the winter snow melts into the earth.
It represents the in-between time, a transitional period that is both an ending and a beginning. This makes it a good time to assess our habits of thought and actions, and notice what is serving us and what we want to change.
(5) Lessons of Pisces Season
As a mutable sign, Pisces can feel unpredictable and indecisive. This is a time of year when the weather can be all over the place, sometimes feeling like winter and other times offering a glimpse of spring.
Pisces season teaches the importance of flexibility and adaptability.
One of the important lessons of Pisces season is to let go of control and “go with the flow.”
In Pisces season we are invited to trust the flow of life, to lean into our imagination and dreams, and to recognize our oneness with all beings.
[…] Pisces is a water sign that is dreamy and intuitive. It bridges gaps and desires oneness — the opposite of analytical, precise, and detail-oriented. […]