The gift is in the wound.
Years ago I had mentor who used to tell me this. On a cognitive level, I kind of understood what he meant, but I didn’t really get it at the time.
It feels particularly relevant right now as Jupiter and Chiron come together in a conjunction in Aries.
Conjunctions represent new beginnings and the start of a new cycle. This is especially so in Aries, the initiating sign of the zodiac.
This conjunction initiates a new beginning in our healing journey.
The Jupiter/Chiron conjunction is the third installment of an arc that began with the recent conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter and Venus and Chiron.
Three is a significant number: it signifies a mediating of a polarity into a trinity. Nothing in life is “good” or “bad;” there’s a third option.
At three we find stability.
All that to say: there’s something to learn here. Jupiter conjunct Chiron can help us weave the thread that ties these transits together.
Chiron and Jupiter Significations
Chiron is not a planet; it’s an asteroid that floats between Saturn and Uranus, providing a bridge between the universal planets (Jupiter and Saturn) and the transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
Each planet or astrological body represents an archetype. Chiron represents the Wounded Healer. It is the planet of healing and acknowledgement of concealed trauma.
It speaks both to how we can heal and what we can teach others.
Astrologer Lauren Coleman explains that with Chiron, we can feel like an outcast, misunderstood and vulnerable. But through Chiron we also come to understand the human condition for what it is, and this can help us develop compassion.
Jupiter, known as the Great Benefic, is most commonly known as the planet of expansion and blessings. It is the planet of success, travel, and new adventures. It’s also the great teacher; the planet of wisdom.
The Significance of Jupiter Conjunct Chiron in Aries
Jupiter conjunct Chiron is one of the biggest conjunctions of the year. These planets don’t meet up often.
The last time these planets came together was in 2009, in the sign of Aquarius.
Aquarius is an air sign that is about ideas, innovation, progress and community.
Aries is the initiating sign of the zodiac. It’s associated with new beginnings, self-assertion, and taking action.
Jupiter conjunct Chiron here opens a new chapter in our healing journey.
5 Lessons of Jupiter Conjunct Chiron in Aries
(1) Illuminate to Heal
As Lauren Coleman writes, the only thing that can truly undermine us is that which we keep hidden away — whether from ourselves or others.
Jupiter conjunct Chiron reminds us that we need to shine a light on our wounds in order to heal them. We cannot heal that which we avoid.
Pain and suffering can be our greatest teacher. If we allow it.
(2) Evolve Your Healing Strategies
Every new beginning is also an ending.
The healing journey never ends, but each phase of our healing journey may require different strategies.
At the start of this new cycle, the Jupiter/Chiron conjunction also invites us to end practices that no longer serve our healing.
What patterns of behavior or coping mechanisms no longer fit where we are now?
(3) Your Healing Comes First
In Aries, Jupiter conjunct Chiron is about doing the work of healing and expanding on that work by doing something with it.
Jupiter/Chiron combine to create an archetype of the wise teacher.
Having done the work of our healing we can teach others how to navigate their healing journeys. Or we might use what we’ve learned to serve in a healing capacity for others.
That said, Aries is a “me first” sign: independent and initiatory, focused on itself before others. That doesn’t mean it’s “selfish.”
In Aries, the Jupiter/Chiron conjunction reminds us that offering healing to others cannot come at the expense of our needs and our healing.
We must first do our own healing.
We must walk the walk.
(4) Find the Gift in the Wound
What is the wisdom in your wounds?
Jupiter’s conjunction with Chiron invites us to consider the gifts and wisdom in our deepest wounds.
Sometimes the biggest gift of our wounds is that they can help us find more empathy and compassion for others; to see in others the same pains we feel in ourselves.
Many people who come across as callous or judgmental of others are really just avoiding their own pain.
When we get in touch with our pain, we can better see others. That, in itself, is healing.
(5) The Wisdom of Healing
One of the big lessons I’ve been learning in my healing journey is that we don’t need to be “completely healed” before offering healing to others.
There’s no perfection on the healing path.
In fact, part of our healing may come through the healing we offer others.
When we are willing to open up and share our our wounds and vulnerabilities with others, we can begin to free ourselves from the burden of our wounds. And just the act of sharing our wounds can be a form of healing for others.
One of the greatest gifts we can give each other is the knowledge that they are not alone in their suffering.
As we learned from Venus’ conjunction with Chiron, healing happens in relationship and in community.
Knowing that others feel the same pains allows us to heal together.
The simple act of sharing our pain can be a healing salve for all.
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