I have spent my entire career as a service professional — from attorney to real estate broker, to coach, to yoga teacher and healer.
Along the way, I’ve observed colleagues and peers in my own industries and others, and noticed the patterns they share.
Here are 10 common traits of the most successful service professionals.
(1) They show up consistently.
Even when they’re not having their best day or when they feel “off.”
(2) They show up in service to something bigger than themselves.
They are genuine in their service to others. They truly care about helping potential clients and customers and adding value. Their own monetary gain is a byproduct of this service, rather than the driver of it.
(3) They show up vulnerably and authentically.
They don’t allow themselves to be caught in the myth of imperfection. They dispel the myth by sharing their imperfections and their human moments.
(4) They are quick to make decisions.
Once they decide, they don’t second-guess or back-track. They don’t get caught in decision loops. And once they commit to something, they follow through.
(5) They don’t overthink or overanalyze.
They focus on the outcome, have a bias toward action, and accept “good enough for now” as a guiding metric. They minimize discussion and dive into action.
(6) They over-deliver but they don’t over-give.
They fulfill the promise of their marketing when delivering workshops or to individual clients, but they don’t give of themselves to the point of depletion. They set boundaries. They know how to say “no” when necessary.
(7) They practice their craft.
Behind the scenes, they dedicate themselves to practicing their craft, improving their skills, and honing their technique. They don’t settle into complacency.
(8) They own their skills while still being humble.
The most successful people certainly have figured out a lot of things that work, but they don’t act as if they have the ONE final answer or THE way to do things. They are open-minded to other potential paths, and the first to acknowledge that there isn’t just one way.
(9) They are enthusiastic about what they do.
You can’t fake enthusiasm or passion. The most successful people I see truly love what they do. They are eager to show up to serve. They have fun with their work. When they are doing what they do, they are in their gifts and in their joy.
(10) They promote others in their field.
People who are truly successful have an expansion mindset. They aren’t caught in a myth of scarcity. They enthusiastically promote others in their field or niche — even people who might be perceived as direct competitors — because they know there is more than enough business to go around.
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