let your mind wander
indulge in pointless pleasure
your brain needs to rest
Often when I gather in circles with other driven achievers, or when working with my clients, I sense that what they — what we — really want is permission.
Permission to rest. Permission to play. Permission to stop the hustle and just be.
Enveloped by the dominant hustle culture we can feel guilty for stepping away, for skipping a workout, for not putting butt in chair to write, for not hitting publish.
Maybe you don’t want to move. Maybe you have nothing to say.
Maybe you have lots to say but just don’t feel like it today.
If you’re seeking permission for a day off, here it is:
You’re allowed to take a day off.
Science supports you. A day off helps us reset and recharge. We come back stronger the next day.
When we let the mind wander and pursue pleasure our brain gets much needed rest and recharge.
Rest doesn’t always mean sleep.
Don’t worry about “wasting time” or “not being productive.”
Your brain cannot stay engaged for 8 hours a day anyway.
Let yourself goof off and play. Indulge in silliness. Watch a rom-com.
Part of being mindful is allowing yourself to be mindless.
People around you will survive if you take time for yourself.
And you will thrive.
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