trust your sacred flow
the meandering river
leads to the ocean
You might think, that as a daily blogger, I would have highly structured practices for generating ideas and writing. I do.
And I rarely implement them.
As much as I try, I can’t seem to get myself to stick to those systems.
There are times — many times — when I bemoan this, wondering what’s wrong with me and how much more effective I could be if I put better systems in place.
What I wouldn’t give sometimes to have a neat list of upcoming topics, an actual content plan.
And then I have days like today.
After a 90-minute workout and meditation, I read a few chapters in a book and spent about two hours writing 5,000 words in stream of consciousness.
I relieved myself of the pressure to publish or even to formally generate ideas.
Instead I just wanted to process through my thoughts and ideas in whatever order they wanted to come out.
In that outpouring were dozens of ideas and concepts.
The non-linear flow was very Mercury in Pisces.
I’ve noticed that am at my best when I allow a wide and deep enough container for deep work so that I can flow without harsh constraints of time or space.
When I remove the pressure to write coherently or linearly or to publish what I’m writing.
There’s a lot of advice out there about what you need to do to publish a daily blog post. Structured idea sessions and lists. A content plan.
I’m sure those things help.
I have found that the most crucial element in my tool box for creating consistently is TRUST.
Trust in my process.
Trust that what needs to be shared will come through in the right time.
Trust in what works for me.
Most of the time my ideas don’t come out in neat lists. And when I fight my own nature just to conform to some expectation of what I believe the process should look like, I use up energy that could go to creating.
I have managed to write and publish a daily blog for over four years without a content plan, without traditional idea lists.
My process works. For me. And that’s the only person it needs to work for.
My system my not be linear. It may not even look like a system. But it works.
And on days when I choose to trust it, it really works.
The flowing river eventually ends up in the vast ocean. Trust that you will get where you need to go, even if you take a meandering route.
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