This is part of a 7-week series exploring the seven core emotional attributes that drive human interaction, as presented by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These attributes are collectively called Sephirot. Each individually is a sephirah.
This week we are exploring the seven aspects of the sphere of Hod.
cultivate your faith
refrain from interference
trust how life unfolds
A client recently remarked that he was realizing that playing the long game is hard because it requires a lot of faith.
It was no coincidence that we had this conversation this week, the week of Hod.
The act of surrender is powered by the muscle of faith.
This is an often forgotten muscle in our culture of doing and instant gratification.
Today is an opportunity to build that muscle.
Today is day 33 of the 49 day journey through the Tree of Life.
If you tend to be an over-doer who is conditioned to work hard and take control, this day brings one of the most challenging lessons of the journey.
In each week of the journey we have a day that explores the attribute of the week within itself. We can think of this as the essence of that attribute; it’s fullest expression, unmediated by any other element.
Today is the day dedicated to the quality of Hod of Hod.
This day is one of the most passive days of the journey.
Hod in general is about allowing and surrender. Hod of Hod takes that to the extreme.
It’s a day for doing less.
A day for stepping back — even sitting back — and waiting for what wants to emerge.
We are not even actively removing perceived obstacles that may be interfering.
This day is our invitation to allow things unfold at their own pace. Let nature take it’s course.
Watch what happens.
How little can you do?
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