this is sovereignty
peace and harmony within
as chaos rains down
This is part of a series exploring the seven lower Sephirot (spheres) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These spheres are the seven core emotions that drive human interaction.
This week we are exploring the sephirah of Tiferet.
The final element of Tiferet is Malchut of Tiferet.
The sphere of Malchut within each realm speaks to kingship, nobility, and sovereignty.
In the context of Tiferet, the invitation is to examine all aspects of our lives to assess where the notes are in harmony and where they are dissonant.
But harmony doesn’t exist only within a given area of life. Complete harmony is when the different areas of our life are in harmony with each other.
We must look at our whole life.
Similarly, true harmony does not exist in a vacuum. We might find harmony among the notes of our lives, but we must also bring our individual chords into harmony with the chords of others around us.
In a choir, each singer must know their voice part and be able to blend and harmonize with the other singers.
Harmony is relative. It’s internal and interdependent.
Sometimes it sounds dissonant, and this brings our biggest challenge: to maintain our inner harmony and equanimity when we are surrounded by dissonance and discord.
The ability to maintain our inner peace and harmony when surrounded by dissonance is the hallmark of sovereignty. This inner peace is what gives us agency over how to respond in the face of provocation, and that agency is our sovereignty.
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