nurture connection
release the false constraints of time
replenish your soul
What is it about modern life that makes us so preoccupied with time and all the ways we can control it, optimize it, and manage it?
Eager to fit more in, we often end up scheduling ourselves into time constraints, even on the weekends. We shuttle and hustle from one activity or event to the next, running errands, and trying to use our free time to get as much done as possible.
How’s that working out for you?
My experience is that this approach leaves me feeling depleted and drained.
The energetic toll of constantly watching the clock, especially on “days off,” is not restful or restorative.
Rest doesn’t always mean sleep. In fact, often I find greater restorative value in more active pursuits:
- An invigorating workout
- A conversation with a friend
- A walk or sitting by the water
- Taking my camera out and shooting photographs
- Conversations with strangers
- Cooking myself a nourishing meal
- Listening to music
The key is to embrace my beingness, even when I’m doing things. It’s not about trying to cram all of these things into one day, but about being in the moment and allowing the day to take me where it wants me to go.
Even if I clear my schedule, it’s hard to let go of the hustle conditioning.
For a long time, even when I would set the intention of giving myself space to follow my whims, I noticed that a part of my mind was still on the clock, fretting about all I had to do.
Lately, though, I’ve noticed that this mind chatter is occupying less space. This is progress, in its most subtle form.
Without the mind chatter telling me how much I need to get done, I can be more present to the people I’m with and to the guidance that calls to me from within.
Journal Prompts For You
Here are some inquiries to help you feel into how this approach might benefit you.
- What would it feel like to not rush from one thing to the next?
- What might open up for you if you allowed yourself to flow through your day without regard to what you need to do and where you need to be by when?
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