Today’s full moon total lunar eclipse in Taurus is here to shake us our of our fixed patterns and habits and help us initiate a new way of being.
During an eclipse, the light goes out. Eclipses were traditionally viewed as ominous signs because they extinguished the luminaries.
You’ve probably heard the saying that “it’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
That’s typically what we try to do. In the dark we find other sources of light so we can continue to see where we are going.
We always look for the bright spot. We look for the light to lead the way.
Not this time.
Part of the medicine of an eclipse is to learn how to sit in the darkness.
And this eclipse in particular is designed to shake us of our old patterns.
The darkness is uncomfortable. Sitting in it is our work.
We are so reliant on our sense of sight, our ability to see where we are going and what’s coming. Sight — and our ability to see — has worked its way into our language as the foundation for understanding and prediction.
We speak of insight, foresight, and hindsight. When we understand something we say I see. We cultivate a vision to propel us forward.
Of course that’s all an illusion. We never truly know where we are going. We can’t ever see what’s coming toward us or what’s around the next corner.
Eclipses in general force us to reckon with the fact that in life, more often than not, we are in the dark. We live in the mystery. There’s always unknowns.
This eclipse is happening next to Uranus, the planet of disruption and revolution.
Uranus is going through a long transit in Taurus, a fixed earth sign known for its stubborn streak. Taurus is famously resistant to change. Uranus in this sign is uprooting the systems and structures that have helped us stay grounded.
When the power goes out during an earthquake, you lay low and attune your other senses to navigate a path forward.
Your well-worn path might be blocked by an obstacle; you might need to take a new path.
You can’t always rely on your same methods.
The truth is that life is more like an eclipse than we’d like to admit. We don’t know what’s coming and when.
We don’t ever really know where we’re going.
The future is a mystery.
The invitation of an eclipse is to practice sitting in the dark, to hone our other senses — to develop sensibility and sensitivity to our situation.
Listen to the wind. Hear the footsteps. Feel the vibration. Smell the scents. Taste what’s here.
Our full sensory experience can open us to truths that we cannot see in the light.
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