Today is the September equinox, known in the northern hemisphere as the Autumn Equinox or the Fall Equinox.
The equinox is the day on which everyone on the planet marks a change in season. In the norther hemisphere we are entering the season of autumn, a time of release.
This moment of equal day and night offers us an invitation to come into balance.
Today is a good day to pause and contemplate:
- where in your life do you feel out of balance?
- what do you need to stop doing?
- what do you need to start doing?
- what are you ready to release?
Here are three areas to consider when you contemplate what you are ready to release:
(1) Physical Clutter
What physical stuff do you have that you no longer need?
Sort it and get rid of it to clear space in your environment.
(2) Mental Clutter
Mental clutter is all the stuff you put in your mind that doesn’t need to be there. Examples include:
- Thoughts
- Beliefs
- Attitudes
- Identities/roles
(3) Traits and States
What ways of being no longer serve you?
- perfectionism
- control
- the need to be right
- the need to be in charge
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