Some people set their course early in life and never deviate from it. They know from an early age what they want to do. They are motivated by a strong vision and purpose. And they put all the pieces together early.
If you’re not one of those people, comparing yourself to them will only lead to frustration and self-defeating mindsets.
Perhaps you’ll begin to believe there’s something wrong with you, that you’re a failure, that you don’t manage life well.
No matter how successful you are in what you pursue, you may feel like you’re lagging behind everyone else. Like everyone else has figured out a secret and you’ve been left out of the loop.
At least that’s how I often feel.
I’m not one of those people who figured it out early. My journey so far has taken me through several careers.
And I’m still seeking my niche, searching for my “thing.”
I often feel behind. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever “figure it out.”
In my wiser moments, when I have more perspective and clarity, here is what I know to be true:
- Not everyone has just one “thing.” I don’t even think I’d want to have just one thing for my whole life. Human beings are always adapting. It’s natural for our passions and interests to change. This doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. It means you’re paying attention to life.
- Nothing is wasted. The skills you gain in each part of your journey inform and empower the next thing you do. To each client and organization you serve, you will bring a breadth and depth of knowledge, skill, and experience that transcend the contours of any role. I am clearly biased here, but in my opinion this cross-functionality will be increasingly important in the coming decades.
- Everyone operates on their own timeline. There’s no behind. Some of those people who were so sure for so long will wake up one day and realize they don’t love what they do and want to change. Then they will feel behind. So consider that you’re ahead. At least you’re being honest with yourself.
Experiment. Try new things. Give yourself the time and space to play and explore outside the confines of traditional roles and societal rules.
And consider that even when you find your “thing,” it may change again as you change and the world changes around you.
The only constant in this world is change. Trust that you’re in the right place right now.
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