Sometimes I hear a voice within me caution me against doing my work.
That voice tells me I don’t know enough about a topic, I need to do more research, or I need another certification or degree.
It tells me I’m a fraud. An imposter.
Welcome to imposter syndrome.
It flares up like a bad disease. Here are 3 things say to myself when it strikes:
(1) Look at who is affected
Have you ever noticed that the real imposter, the frauds of the world, don’t seem to have imposter syndrome?
The people most likely to experience this disease are smart people who already have advanced degrees.
If you think you’re an imposter, you’re probably not.
(2) Ready is a state of mind
You may never feel ready to move forward. Ready is a state of mind.
You get to choose it.
There’s always more to learn, but you have to start somewhere.
(3) Even if you are an imposter, so is everyone else
Look around. Everyone is just telling stories about their experiences. Nobody really has any answers that apply to anyone but themselves.
We all speak from our own experiences.
And yet we drink up the “expertise” from others like it’s water in the desert.
You deserve to have your expertise on display too.
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