We are in Virgo season. A time of liminal spaces and transition, and the work we do on the small, behind-the-scenes details.
As a Libra rising, Virgo is my 12th house in astrology. It’s the house of sorrows, shadows, and grief, the emotions that get suppressed, and behind the scenes work. It is also known as the house of transition, and also the house of transformation.
We are also in the season of the Jewish High Holidays. The Ten Days of Repentance and Return, which is also a liminal space of transformation.
I am in awe of the synchronicity between these two ancient wisdom practices. There is much more I can say about both, but for now the only way I can put words to it is through haiku. So that will be enough.
dare to look within
the source of your undoing
is the place you heal
approach with courage
embrace all your shadow parts
self-compassion rules
excavate your shame
cast it into the river
let it float away
integrate your parts
embrace your natal wholeness
return to yourself
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