The promise of the internet was that it would bring transparency, freedom, and equality by unlocking information.
Information is power. The more data we have, the better.
At least in theory.
The first half of the promise has been fulfilled: in today’s world, it’s easy to get information about anything and how to do anything.
It turns out, though, that having so much information available to us hasn’t been the boon we expected.
More information doesn’t create greater transparency; it obscures the information that is most relevant.
More information might yield more options, but rather than creating freedom, this often provokes the paralysis of choice. You can spin indefinitely looking for more information.
Equality? Well, the disparities in this world keep growing larger.
Rather than empowering us, the volume of information can disempower us by stirring feelings of doubt. No matter how thoroughly you research, there’s a lingering fear that maybe you missed something. Maybe there’s more you haven’t uncovered.
In a world where so much information is available, and easily accessible, we’ve become habituated to looking externally for the answers.
Google can give you answers to many questions, but it will never be able to tell you what will work for you.
The most reliable source of information comes from your own inner knowing. It’s not information that will liberate us, rather it’s learning to trust our intuition.
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