Although our dominant culture revolves around the sun, (ha, pun not intended but I’ll leave it), ancient wisdom traditions — and many religions — follow the moon. The moon is much more interesting: it’s constantly on the move and always changing.
Astrologers track how the moon moves through the sky: approximately every 2.5 days, it moves into a new sign. At the same time it’s getting “smaller” or “larger” — depending on where it is in its cycle. Whether you follow the moon or not, its energy impacts you, just like it impacts the tides and coyotes.
It’s small movements can have big impact.
In the symbolism of astrology, the moon represents our emotions, our inner life, and the body. In these areas, as with others, the same principle applies:
Small changes can have a big impact.
This doesn’t always happen right away. The impact is seen over time. It may take many cycles — “many moons” — to see the impact of a small change, but eventually you’ll start to notice. Everything comes around in time.
In our sun-dominant culture we’re often looking for the big change to turn things around, or the big bold move that captures the spotlight.
We would be remiss to overlook the power of small acts. The small things we tend to daily lay the foundation for the big things. Just like you can’t cook a big meal without chopping the vegetables, the small changes lead to the bigger changes.
And the small changes, in themselves, create big impact when stacked over time.
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