New moons are always potent times to set intentions for the coming month, and today’s new moon in Taurus is especially so.
The moon is said to be exalted in Taurus, which means that it’s best qualities are magnified and it can achieve its highest expression and potential.
Basically: the moon likes to be in Taurus. It’s happy here. It has access to its resources. Which means it will work more effectively and powerfully.
This, on its own, is a powerful lesson we can learn from the moon:
Finding the places where we do our best work is a crucial component to doing our best work.
A new moon in Taurus is generative, abundant, and verdant. Taurus is earth, and a new moon in this sign offers the stable ground on which to build the foundation of your dreams.
As an earth sign, Taurus helps us bring ideas into form. Manifestation requires a solid foundation, consistent and persistent action, and patience. Taurus offers all of these qualities.
The foundation begins within you,
This new moon is a time to nurture the deep inner connection with yourself, and to root in what matters to you, who you are and what you desire.
Then seed the intentions for what you want to create this year by commiting them to writing.
5 New Moon Rituals
New moon rituals are a great way to work with the energy of the new moon. This energy generally lasts for a couple of days.
Here are 5 rituals to help you use the energy of the new moon in Taurus.
1- Rest and Reflect
The darkness of a new moon is always a time to go inward to replenish. All the moreso in Taurus, a fixed earth sign known for its groundedness. Nothing moves the bull until it’s ready.
Give yourself the gift of luxuriating in nurturing and restorative rest.
2 – Journal
The Taurus new moon offers fertile soil for our intentions, dreams, and plans. Spend some time considering what you really want, and commit it writing, ideally using a luxurious pen on high quality paper.
3 – Indulge in Self-Care
Ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure, Taurus loves to indulge. And Taurus is also immensely practical. Combine these two traits by treating yourself to some self-care that will bolster your foundation, renew your spirit. Let your indulgence recharge your energy so that you are ready to take action toward your dreams.
4 – Savor
As the slow mover of the zodiac, Taurus loves to savor the moment. How often do you truly savor your food or that rare moment of silence? Linger over your meals, allowing yourself to really taste the food you’re eating. Spend an extra moment in the shower, feeling the sensation of the water on your body.
Indulge in a piece of high quality chocolate and allow the taste to linger on your tongue. Notice the feeling of your clothes against your skin.
Savor the sensations.
5 – Move Your Body
As an earth sign, Taurus represents the physical aspect of things, including ourselves. In addition, the moon represents the body. This is a time for getting out of your head and into your body.
Although Taurus likes to be lazy, it also likes to get into the body. Restoration doesn’t always mean sitting still.
Create space for an extra workout, take a walk, and engage your body in whatever you do.

New Moon in Taurus
Plant seeds of your intentions
Indulge in pleasure
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