To believe that an event is positive or negative is to succumb to the myth of binaries. This is our prevailing cultural approach. Things are good or bad. You’re in or you’re out. And so on.
An alternative approach is to consider events as neutral and ask what we can learn from them and how they might impact us moving forward.
In that context, I’ve been thinking about how the coronavirus is helping more people become aware of the energy we are exposed to as we go through our days.
Energy is Contagious
Energy is contagious.
This is something I say often when I teach and speak about energy. The energy of a physical space, and of the people around you, can infect or invigorate you. It can influence your emotions and your decisions. Energy impacts your productivity and your attention.
Whether you like something, whether you’re going to buy something, and how much you’d be willing to spend to buy it — all influenced by the energy around you and within you.
I am a rare real estate agent who doesn’t believe in the “magical power” of open houses. When I discuss this with my sellers, or with other agents, I ask them to imagine this scenario: you walk into a crowded open house. Before forming an opinion, you overhear someone else speaking about how they don’t like it and all the reasons why it’s a terrible home. Suddenly, your opinion is shaped by that energy.
If you’ve ever sat down to work in an office or another space where people around you are complaining or irritated, you may have noticed how it impacted your energy and your productivity.
What We Are Learning: Energy Awareness
Most people don’t think much about the energy in their space. Or the energy they absorb during the day.
But now that coronavirus panic has set in, suddenly everyone is focused on this.
A virus is merely a form of energy.
We are seeing how sharing a space with someone who has the virus can expose us to it. This is causing us to pay more attention to our surroundings and the people we come into contact with. We are engaging in more rituals to clean ourselves and our spaces, to clear away any potential infectious energy.
And we are seeing how our energy can have an impact far beyond the people we come into immediate with.
Just like with the coronavirus, you can be spreading energy without awareness.
But not all energy creates illness. We can also spread energy that leads to healing.
Energy is contagious. Make sure you’re catching and spreading energy that heals.
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