As the full moon arrived today I paused for ritual and sat with my Tarot of the Spirit deck. I pulled the Resurrection card.
Looking back through my journal for previous times I pulled this card, I found this wisdom that I channeled in the fall of 2017:
Allow yourself to go deep and open to the knowledge within. Embrace the change that is coming and allow yourself to rise to be seen and be more visible in your truth. The rewards are already yours. They are earmarked for you. You have earned them. Now you need only to show up and claim them. They are waiting for you at the top; when you ascend you will receive them.
Allow yourself to enter this new cycle. You need not be afraid of what is to come. Embrace what is ahead of you and all you’ve worked for. You don’t need to cling to the past.
It feels so fitting for this time.
Finding wisdom like this gives me chills. It erases all boundaries of space and time. I wrote this in the past. But it feels like wisdom from an old soul, a wise woman who I might become in my future.
Words from the past that feel like they are coming from the future and meet me in this moment, in the present.
The Path of Return
Resurrection is the path of return.
We return, but we don’t go back.
In the cycle of nature, there is no going back. Everything moves forward. The cycle is a spiral. Each time we come back around we really move forward and up.
Nothing is static, everything is always changing. We revisit places but they are different and we are different.
With the benefit of new wisdom, and new cells, we see with different eyes and notice things we couldn’t see before.
The Harvest Moon
There is about a six month difference between a New Moon and a Full Moon in the same sign.
Today’s full moon, in the sign of Aries, takes us back to the new moon in Aries, which occurred in March, around the time of the Spring equinox.
New moons are times for planting seeds. Full moons are a time for harvest. And this particular full moon is the Harvest Moon.
What areas were you focused on 6 months ago? What seeds did you sow? How have those seeds grown?
Six months ago was when many parts of the country were starting to enter lockdown.
Guided by the light of the full moon, what can you see now that you couldn’t see six months ago? What new perspective do you have? What does it reveal to you?
What are you harvesting?
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