A New Year
A blank slate.
A clean page.
A chance for new beginnings.
New rituals.
New routines.
New outlooks.
A time to get rid of what no longer serves.
What’s in the way.
What brings you down.
What holds you back.
An invitation to stop repeating and reinforcing stories that disempower you,
And to start directing the narrative you want to share.
No longer doing things just because that’s the way you’ve always done it,
Or because it served you in the past.
Maybe it’s time to stop tracking time,
To stop documenting what hurts
and what’s wrong.
And to let the commentary that’s always running in your head run its course, without feeding it.
Allow it to exhaust itself.
A new year.
A blank slate.
This day is loaded with infinite possibilities and potential.
And pressure.
To make the most of every minute.
To make your life a masterpiece.
If the potential of a new year —
A new decade —
Feels overwhelming,
Just remember this:
Every day offers the opportunity to begin again,
To meet yourself where you are.
There’s no pressure.
It’s just another day.
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...