Many people are reaching their mental and emotional limits with quarantine. Isolation is antithetical to our human need for connection. Zooms can be exhausting (it’s not just your imagination; there’s actually a lot of science behind why this is).
Yesterday I wrote about how our nervous system’s habitual response has put us all in fight-or-flight mode, inhibiting our natural creative flow.
If you’re finding yourself in a creative slump right now, you can start to shift out of it by creating space for creativity.
Creating Space For Creativity
One of my core beliefs is that we must create space for our creativity and our best work. Creating Space has many facets, including our physical environment, schedule, mind, emotions, and the physical body.
To counteract the constricting effects of the fight-or-flight response, we must release ourselves from the contracted fear state and open up the physical body.
Creativity in all forms is born in the void. It comes from the open space within us. And that space only opens when we feel safe.
So we must do whatever we can to create safety in the body-mind.
The mind and body are constantly having a conversation about what’s going on. It’s not enough to tell your mind that you’re safe; it needs to hear this from your body.
The Rituals I use to create space have become more important than ever. They are the reliable tools to open the doors that keep closing.
Creating and nurturing rituals to create space for your best work is one of the most valuable skills that you can develop right now.
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