Everything in your life is a reflection of what you believe about life, about yourself, about other people, and about how the world works.
Life Is…
What is life?
Is it a test? A gift? An adventure? A game?
If you believe that life is a test, you’ll approach it differently than if you believe life is a game, or a gift.
People Are…
What do you believe about other people?
You hold beliefs about categories of people based on gender, religion, political stance, education level, and so on.
Our minds instinctively try to categorize others in order to sort the vast amount of information we receive each day. It’s a heuristic to help us deal with the overwhelm of information.
This creates judgments.
You also have beliefs about specific people and those beliefs affect how you take in new information about that person.
If you believe someone is caring, kind, and generous, and someone tells you a story about that person being an asshole, how do you take that in?
You’re most likely to write it off as an aberration; to allow for some reason why the person might have behaved that way.
He was having a bad day.
Thats not who she is.
I Am…
What do you believe about yourself?
If you believe you are a failure, then any failure will bring your efforts to a full stop. If you believe you make things work, then a failure is simply a speed bump on the path to ultimate success.
How the World Works
You also have beliefs about how the “world” works. This includes your beliefs about various industries.
The commission model has been the standard compensation in the real estate industry for decades. Most people believe that this is the only way to structure compensation. That’s just a belief.
Your Life Reflects Your Beliefs
Everything in your life right now reflects your beliefs.
The good news is that if you change your beliefs, you can change your life.
The challenge is that many of your beliefs aren’t conscious. They are so embedded within you that you can’t even see them.
The first step, therefore, is to become aware of your beliefs.
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