There will be a time when you find yourself in a place, with people, and realize: I could not be here, in this place, with these people, in this way of being, without everything that came before. The moments of pain and despair, of joy and exuberance, led me to this place at this time. The dots magically connect. You see the through line.
You wouldn’t have planned it this way, of course, but you see how the higher plan unfolded.
What would change if you could trust this higher plan from the beginning?
It’s one thing to give lip service to the idea that “everything happens for a reason.” It’s a different thing entirely to believe this, and to trust in it.
We can spend so much effort and energy trying to make things happen in certain way, loaded down with expectations that never materialize, and suffering the disappointments that result.
In the moments of disappointment and failure, of fatigue and burnout — in the depths of a personal winter — it can be hard to wrap your head around how this will all come to serve you one day.
What makes it hard is that it requires giving up the thing we cling to the most: the illusion that we have control over what happens, that we are in charge of the plan. We believe being in control gives us freedom.
A funny thing happens when we trust that everything happens to serve our highest good: we realize the freedom of embracing each moment for what it is. Both the moments that feel good and the moments that feel like crap.
We might approach every moment with an eye toward what it can teach us, what information there is to gather.
We might let go — even just a little bit — of the illusion that we have control, and find the freedom of embracing the present moment.
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