We often think that we will find the path to greater productivity by focusing the mind.
It turns out the secret of productivity is not in your mind, but in your heart.
First, what do we mean by productivity?
It’s not just about getting more done, but doing the things that be most effective to meeting our outcome.
If your outcome is to serve others, then you must look through the lens of:
What path or action will help me best serve the people I’m called to serve?
What people need most from you is your presence. In our fractured, distracted world, people are longing to be seen and heard. They want to feel a sense of belonging and community.
Yes, they want to receive from you whatever is at the heart of your offering — your wisdom, teachings, solutions. But more than they want that, they want your presence.
If you’re worrying about your delivery style, or your content, or how you’re going to answer their questions, or where you’re going to find the answers, then you will not be present.
You must trust that you have the answers you need within you.
Presence and trust require an open heart.
The resources you need most are within you.
Trust yourself.
Trust what you know.
Trust your gut — your intuition.
Trust that your presence is enough.
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