One of the deepest fears we have is the fear of not living according to our values.
Before we get to that fear, there is a preliminary fear we have:
The first fear is the fear of discovering what our values are.
Many people don’t realize they have a choice about this.
We inherit and absorb values from all around us. From parents, teachers, mentors, friends, bosses, companies we work for, companies we patronize. From what we see on social media.
It’s easy to get caught up in the expectations of who you need to be and what you need to do to get ahead or get results in a specific context.
Human beings are amazing in our ability to deliver what we believe is expected of us. We are conditioned from an early age to do what we’re told to do, to live in a certain way.
Some people go through their entire lives never realizing that they get to choose their values.
Maybe you’re one of those people.
Guess what?
You get to choose.
And for many people, that discovery — that choice (because it is a choice) — evokes fear. It’s the fear of breaking away from what you know to choose your own path. The fear of possibly turning away from people you love and the values they hold. The fear of being an individual, separate from the pack.
These are real fears.
But here’s the irony:
You already are choosing. Every decision you make is a decision about what you value, and in what order you value those things.
All decisions are value clarifications.
When I say all decisions, I mean ALL decisions. Where to eat dinner. Where you focus your energy. Whether to buy or sell your home. What home you choose to buy. Whether to leave your job and what job to take.
Every decision you make is a reflection of your values.
How often do you stop to think about what your values are, what values you’re living?
How often do you consider what you want your values to be?
For many people, the answer is: not often.
This is your life.
Isn’t it worth the time to choose what you value and how you want to live?
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