In the world of personal development and high-achiever success, the concept of modeling success is lauded as the best way to achieve results.
What is Success Modeling?
The concept of success modeling is to find someone who achieved the results you desire, find out what they did and how they did it, and do those things.
As Tony Robbins says, “success leaves clues.”
Eager achievers seek out the systems and blueprints others have used to get results. And those who have achieved any result are quick to promote the step-by-step systems to reach their promised land.
This culture has fueled the multi-billion dollar industry for online courses.
Success Systems Are Only Half the Story
The problem with this approach is that it often does lead not to success. It can easily lead to frustration and failure.
Success modeling can fail for numerous reasons.
One of the biggest problems with this approach is that the systems and blueprints to achieve a result are only half the story.
If you’re going to model success, you can’t just ask people for the steps and systems they used to get their results.
It’s equally important — if not more so — to ask them what they gave up.
What sacrifices did they make? What sacrifices do they continue to make?
It’s a question most achievers very rarely ask when seeking to model success.
What happens when you get to the door to the club, learn the price of admission and realize: I don’t want to pay that price?
See the Whole Picture
To be clear, under the right circumstances, and with the right investigation, there’s nothing wrong with modeling someone who has achieved what you desire.
As Tony Robbins says, “success leaves clues.” Why reinvent the wheel?
But before you follow someone else’s blueprint, it helps to know the full picture of their success. What what sacrifices did they make to get where they are? What sacrifices do they continue to make to live the life that, from the outside, looks so perfect?
Make sure you know the price of admission to the life you think you want. And ask yourself if you are willing to make that investment.
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