We live in a culture that prizes thinking. But thinking isn’t as useful as we think it is.
7 Problems With Thinking
(1) Thinking uses a lot of energy.
Thinking takes energy away from other activities. Most crucially, the energy used by the brain when thinking diverts energy that the body and brain need to restore and reset.
This means you’re not processing what you took in during the day, and your body doesn’t get a chance to recover.
(2) Thinking limits your awareness.
Thinking diverts your attention from what’s going on around you and even from anything else you’re doing while you’re thinking. Anything you’re doing while you’re thinking is happening on autopilot, without your conscious awareness.
Depending on what you’re doing while you’re thinking, it can result in drastic consequences to your health and well being as well as those around you.
(3) Thinking limits you to the workings of the conscious mind.
Most actions, intentions, and motivations come from the subconscious mind.
(4) Thinking keeps you stuck.
Thinking keeps you in the same patterns and problems you’re trying to solve. We often direct our thoughts, reinforcing and confirming existing biases.
No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness that created it.
(5) Thinking disconnects you from your body.
Thinking takes your attention away from the body. Your body sends you signals and information, but you ignore these when you’re busy thinking. When you disconnect from your body, you’re more likely to become injured or sick.
(6) Thinking disrupts your sleep.
Thinking is like a stimulant. It keeps you up at night, disturbing your sleep.
Sleep is crucial for repair and restoration of your body and nervous system.
(7) Thinking is a habit.
Perhaps the biggest problem with thinking is that it’s a habit. That means we do it without awareness. We unconsciously fall into it. And the triggers for thinking are everything around us.
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