No setup. No story. Just the punchline.
Continuing from yesterday’s first installment of this new feature, here are 10 more lessons I learned last year.
I’d love to know which one resonates most with you right now.
The secret to success in any area is alignment. If your body is not aligned, you won’t be able to build strength. If your goals are not aligned with your values you will feel stuck in making progress to them.
The only way you can fail is if you don’t show up for yourself. When you make the commitment to show up for yourself, you empower yourself to fill your pitcher so you can then pour your life juice into the glasses of the people you wish to serve.
Without a full pitcher or carafe, you have nothing to pour into anyone else. It would be like if you invited people to your home for dinner and drinks and then didn’t serve them anything because your cupboards were bare.
The various parts of yourself are your team. You need to coach them to work better together to serve you.
There are three areas of trust: trusting yourself, trusting others and trusting God/Divine force. Where there is no trust, there is separation and “otherness,” and true connection isn’t possible.
Change is inevitable, even if we don’t know how or when it will come. A crucial metric for success therefore is not how well you can plan or your ability to stick with your plan, but how well and how quickly you can adapt to change. The skill for that is agility.
Full engagement and peak productivity require periods of complete disengagement.
Partial disengagement is a trap: because we think we have been disengaged but we really haven’t, we aren’t fully recovering our energy capacity.
When you allow yourself to get silent you will become clear on what you want to say and it becomes easier to say it. When you stand in your truth and speak from the heart, the words flow effortlessly.
Don’t judge someone else without getting to know them. You never know where you might agree with them or have similarities. When you take time to listen, you’ll be surprised by what you have in common
A team is vital to success. A team is not just people who can do the work you don’t want to do or the work that isn’t the best use of your time and talent.
A true team is comprised of people who are so aligned with your vision and mission that it becomes their vision and mission; they are willing to do what is necessary even if they never get their picture on the front page. They support your vision even when they can’t fully see it. That’s a team. And that’s an essential component of bringing a vision to life.
No matter how much perspective we have or how well-rounded we are, we all tend to get stuck in our own tunnels and need the broader perspective offered by others.
The smartest people are often caught in the trap of being the smartest ones in the room.
We need to collectively create a “new room” where others can hold space for our challenges and help us see a way out of the tunnel.
Which wisdom byte speaks most to you? Share in the comments.
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