- Where are you undermining your value?
- Where are you failing to meet your own standards?
- Where are you hesitating to go after what you truly desire because you fear the social rejection or the consequences of creating disharmony?
These are some of the questions that are calling you to answer as we reach the mid-point of the Venus retrograde that started on March 1.
Venus retrograde is a 40-day period where we are invited to explore and review matters connected to the heart: what we like, what we don’t like, what we value, and what we desire. Venus also signifies our worthiness, our standards, and our social contracts.
During Venus retrograde period we examine how we are standing in our value and claiming our worth.
This period reminds us that if we don’t value ourselves, no one else will.
Venus Retrograde Cazimi: The Midpoint of the Retrograde
As Venus meets up with the Sun (2º39’ Aries, 9:07 pm ET) for its retrograde Venus cazimi, it marks the mid-point in Venus’ retrograde and a pivotal moment in Venus’ cycle.
A Venus Cazimi is also known as a Venus Star Point, because when you plot the Venus cazimis in each sign where Venus retrogrades, they form a 5-pointed star.
You can see this on the image below. Look at the inside star at the center of the image.

This Venus cazimi occurs in the same sign every eight years, just a few degrees earlier each time. You can track it over time to see the patterns in your life.
Previous Venus Retrograde Cazimis in Aries occurred in 2017, 2009, 2001, 1993, 1985, 1977, 1969, and 1961, etc.
The word cazimi means “in the heart of” — as in “in the heart of the Sun.” Venus started this journey as a bright evening star; as it traveled retrograde and inched closer to the Sun, it disappeared from the night sky.
A Moment of Rebirth and Reinvention
A Venus cazimi is like a “new moon” for Venus: a death and a rebirth.
When Venus emerges from the Sun’s beams, it will be reborn as a morning star. Venus as a morning star is yang energy: more active and energized, more outward focused, than evening star Venus. It’s more proactive and assertive, less concerned with ruffling feathers and people-pleasing.
The Venus Retrograde cazimi therefore is a moment of renewal, reinvention, and reorientation. It’s a change in course. It brings us the other side of the Venus archetype that exists within us.
The cazimi takes us to the heart of the our Venus retrograde exploration, as we get clear on what we truly desire and where we are settling for less than our worth.
Embracing the Yang Venus Archetype
It’s the nature of Venus — and the Venus part of ourselves — to seek harmony and connection. Taking a stand for yourself, upholding your standards, and claiming what you value can create disharmony: it can make people uncomfortable and carry risk of rejection.
Typically we associate Venus with its yin side: the side that is people-pleasing, receptive, and passive.
Both Venus in Aries and Venus as a morning star show us the yang side of Venus, which feels like a different Venus. Aries is the sign of self, of “me first.” Venus in Aries is independent, a little renegade, revolutionary, not afraid to take charge even if she ruffles some feathers.
This Venus is fierce in claiming what she desires, advocating for what she needs, and upholding her standards. She does not people-please or fear disharmony, because she finds harmony within. She seeks her own respect and admiration before seeking it from others.
This is the Venus that will emerge from the cazimi, and the side of Venus that we will get to embrace as we claim what we desire and stand in the value of our worth.
Journal Prompts for Venus Cazimi and Venus Retrograde
Some journal prompts to explore at the Venus cazimi and over the next few weeks of Venus’ retrograde:
- What do I truly desire?
- What are my core values?
- Where am I not upholding my standards for myself?
- Where am I tolerating less than I deserve?
- Where am I hesitant to take a stand for what I need because my current situation is comfortable — even though it may be making me miserable and isn’t up to my standards?
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