It’s a summer weekend. You want to go to the party. You want to be out frolicking and playing. You want to hang out at the beach.
And, perhaps you also have some looming deadlines. Important work that you need to attend to even if it’s not urgent.
Or, maybe you just know you have a full week ahead, and going to the party will prevent you from getting the rest you need to bring your full energy to the tasks of the upcoming week.
The adult in you might look ahead into the future to recognize the potential consequences of a weekend galavanting around town.
This is the dynamic as Venus in freewheeling Gemini forms a square aspect with Saturn in Pisces.
Venus is the planet of love and relationships.
Venus in Gemini loves to flitter about, finding joy in the abundant curiosities and social stimulation that comes with the warm spring-into-summer weather. The long days of summer offer endless opportunities for socializing and forming connections, which is what Venus loves to do.
Saturn is the planet of time, limits, restrictions, and boundaries. It’s the taskmaster, teacher, and disciplinarian.
The square between Venus and Saturn (June 8, 4:25 am ET at 19º02’ Gemini/Pisces) forces us to consider our future self before we say yes to all the invitations.
Is the fun of the party going to be worth the Monday morning hangover? Hangover here might be literal or metaphorical. Maybe you can go to the party and cut out early; there’s no “right” answer.
The square invites us to pause for a moment before saying yes, to at least ask the question.
It invites a moment of reflection: will you really be able to hold yourself to a limit, or will you end up blowing past your self-imposed curfew and paying the price all week in the form of low energy workouts, trouble staying focused, and limited attention?
Will the social stimulation ignite your spirit or drain your energy?
Sometimes, the decision is hard because the answer is: it will do both.
That’s the tension of a square.
Saturn often brings lessons in adulting. As much as it might hurt to miss the party, skipping the party to ensure you get adequate rest might end up paying more dividends in the long-term.
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