How do you achieve something that seems impossible?
At one point in time, the idea of film and moving pictures seemed revolutionary. The idea that one day people would be able to film events with their phones was not even on the radar for most people. It wasn’t even something that people spoke about as a possibility when I was growing up in the 1980s, back in the days of music that launched on cassette tapes.
The things we take for granted in our world today were once far-fetched ideas, existing beyond the realm of what is logical and rational. At some point they might have seemed like fantasies or delusions. Computers in your pocket. The ability to call anyone anywhere in the world. Artificial intelligence. Self-driving cars.
All it takes is the willingness of some people to get curious about possibilities, and to open the door from the side of logic to the side of fath, and a whole new world can open up.
That’s the lesson for us as we think about innovation both on the collective level and the personal level.
This lesson is reinforced by the planetary alignments as we head into June. This week kicks off with supportive aspects between Jupiter and Pluto and between Mercury and Neptune, followed by a new moon in Gemini that will reinforce these themes.
Jupiter Trine Pluto: Expand Your Perspective
On June 2 at 8:12 pm ET, Jupiter at 1º Gemini will form a trine aspect with Pluto at 1º Aquarius.
A trine is a supportive, harmonious aspect that occurs between planets in signs of the same element. In this case, the planets are in air signs, which is about thoughts, ideas, and knowledge.
Jupiter and Pluto are two outer planets that don’t meet up that often. The last time these two planets formed a trine from air signs was 1977.
Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is the archetype of wisdom, faith, higher learning, and abundance. Pluto is the smallest planet. It speaks to themes of power, transformation, evolution, and the underworld.
Pluto in Aquarius is about shifting the balances of power within our culture, while Jupiter in Gemini brings a restless curiosity to learning and ideas.
Jupiter speaks to our inner optimist — the big thinker — while Pluto speaks to the part of us that wants to evolve and transform.
Step Into New Possibilities
When they come together in a supportive trine aspect, they offer us the opportunity to expand our vision and think in terms of larger possibilities. Pluto also represents the shadows of the underworld, which means this expansion will require some deeper inner work.
Before we can expand our perspective and step into new possibilities, there needs to be a “death” to old ways of thinking and perceiving. We must reconsider and re-evaluate beliefs and ideas that we have long taken to be absolute “truths.”
For example, you can’t embrace the idea of a self-driving car if you are stuck in the perspective that this idea is just completely impossible or a bad idea. If you believe that you can’t even do one pull-up, you’ll never put yourself in a situation where you suddenly learn you can do 100 pull-ups.
This trine encourages us to release limiting beliefs and ideas in order to reach our higher potential — one that might exceed our expectations.
To do this, we might need a little help.
This is where Mercury and Neptune come in.
Mercury Sextile Neptune: Bridging Reason and Faith
Air signs, where Jupiter and Pluto are currently residing, are logical and rational. But to achieve the impossible requires something beyond logic and reason: it requires intuition and faith.
Shortly after Jupiter and Pluto form their trine, Mercury at 29º Taurus forms a supportive sextile aspect to Neptune at 29º Pisces (June 2, 11:57 pm ET).
Mercury is the messenger planet; it’s also the planet of logic and reason. In Taurus, Mercury is pragmatic and sensible, creating frameworks and structures that can support faith in the process.
Neptune is the planet of intuition, faith, as well as illusion and delusion. This delusion is often viewed as a “shadow” side of Neptune, but it isn’t necessarily “bad.”
Just because something isn’t “proven by science” doesn’t mean it’s not real — it may just mean that science hasn’t yet caught up.
The most successful innovators often seem a delusional when they first share their ideas.
Mercury sextile Neptune reminds us that while logic and reason can provide a structure for our faith, sometimes we must heed our intuition and have faith that logic and reason will eventually support our ideas.
To innovate means you must believe in something that transcends the bounds of current reality and logical thinking. You must see something that isn’t there — that nobody else can see until you bring it to form.
Gathering Seeds for the New Moon
Shortly after Mercury sextiles Neptune, it will move into Gemini, where it will conjunct Jupiter and form the same trine to Pluto, as it rules over the new moon in Gemini.
Listen closely to your intuition this week, get curious about what you’re learning, and bring those seeds to the new moon.
If you want to achieve something that seems impossible, you’ll need to expand your vision and perspective, let go of reason and logic, and tap into your intuition and faith.
[…] This also might be commenting on the Jupiter/Pluto trine. […]