The full moon in Sagittarius (May 23, 2024 9:52 am at 2°54’) is a moment of culmination that also provides a turning point to a new chapter.
It also reminds us not to lose the big picture amidst the details.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Details vs Big Picture
At a full moon, the sun and the moon are in opposite sides of the sky, 180-degrees apart on the zodiacal wheel. Oppositions highlight the tension between the two opposing and complementary energies of the two signs where the Sun and the Moon are transiting, in this case, Gemini and Sagittarius.
Gemini is a mutable air sign that takes us from Spring to Summer. It all about the details and the data. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, organizing, and planning, Gemini engages in dialogues and absorbs information from multiple sources. This is a sign that wants to do everything. Its curious and detail-oriented nature wants to understand the intricate details of how things work.
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that deals with inspiration and inclusion. Symbolized by the archer, it shoots towards the horizon of potential and possibility.
Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of faith, wisdom, and expansion, Sagittarius is defined by big picture thinking. Symbolized by the archer, Sagittarius aims its arrow at what it desires and moves towards its goal.
This full moon arrives as the Sun is just beginning its transit through Gemini. It reminds us not to get so caught up in the details that we lose sight of the big picture.
It invites us to mediate the polarity of intuition and rational logic and create a space where we can use both at once.
Culmination and New Beginnings
Full moons signify a culmination point in the moon’s cycle — a peak moment.
This one also marks a turning point in the year, as it denotes the start of a new cycle and new chapters.
At the time of the full moon, Jupiter, the ruler of this moon, is just coming off a conjunction with Venus at the last degree of Taurus. The two benefic planets meeting in the sky, in Venus’s sign — is an auspicious aspect that symbolizes blessings, although it can also bring too much of a good thing.
The Venus/Jupiter conjunction marks the start of a new annual cycle between the two benefic planets, a time to seed something new.
Shortly after the Venus/Jupiter conjunction and the full moon, Venus will cross the threshold from Taurus into Gemini, beginning the next chapter in its revolution around the zodiac.
By the end of this week, Jupiter will also enter Gemini to start a one-year transit through the sign of the twins after a year in Taurus.
Both planets leaving Taurus for Gemini so close to each other marks a turning point in 2024 and in their cycles. It’s the end of a chapter and beginning of a new chapter.
That means that this full moon marks both a culmination of a process — a chance to see what has come to fruition — and the start of a new cycle.
It’s a perfect time to step back from the details of a project to see the big picture and set your sights on the next horizon.
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