One of the most common questions people ask me about publishing a daily blog is where do you get all of your ideas from?
There is no shortage of sources around us for ideas and information to share. Life experiences. Conversations. Reading. Observations. The meanderings of my own mind. Questions people ask.
It’s almost impossible to go through a day without getting new ideas.
That said, it might be helpful that in my natal chart, I have Mercury in Gemini.
Mercury is the planet of ideas, communication, and learning. In Gemini, one of its two home signs (the other is Virgo), it is relentlessly curious. Mercury in Gemini is always learning, and ideating. It loves to teach and talk about what it has learned.
This is a placement well-suited to writers, creators, speakers, teachers, conversationalists, and all manner of idea dissemination.
As it rolls into Gemini on June 3, it offers everyone a chance to tap into its superpowers for a few weeks. It will be especially potent at the start of its transit, while it is visible in the sky.
Mercury makes a visit through Gemini once a year, and each year finds it in slightly different conditions. In 2024, it arrives during Gemini season, and joins a part of guests: the Sun is here; Venus and Jupiter arrived last week, and the moon will join later this week. All of these planets are boosted by Mercury’s presence in its home sign.
Mercury is moving fast now, and its transit through Gemini will be quick: it’s only in its home sign from June 3 to June 17, 2024.
Here are five ways to make the most of Mercury’s transit through Gemini:
5 Ways to Work with Mercury in Gemini
(1) Be Curious and Open-Minded
Mercury is the thinker, messenger, and communicator, the part of us that loves to explore ideas. While in Gemini, it encourages us to nurture our curiosity and explore new ideas.
The challenge we might run into whenever we explore new ideas is what happens when those new ideas conflict with beliefs we already hold.
Can you be open minded and curious enough to allow for ideas and insights that conflict with what you “know” to be true?
Mercury in Gemini invites us to consider that there’s often more than one “Truth.”
Knowledge is a prism: we often see things from only one perspective.
In the sign of the twins, Mercury encourages us to look at ideas from multiple angles and perspectives, and to remember that many things can be true at once.
Holding space for opposites, and entertaining ideas that contradict what we “know” can help us clarify our thinking.
(2) Create Space for Deep Thinking
In the hustle of day-to-day work and to-do lists, it’s often a challenge to carve out space for the kind of deep thinking that can surface new ideas or solutions to problems.
Shortly after its ingress to Gemini, Mercury will form a trine with Pluto in Aquarius (June 4, 2:12 am at 1º). Pluto is the planet of transformation, representing the underworld. A trine is a supportive angle that allows the two planetary energies to flow harmoniously.
Mercury trine Pluto can support the type of deep thinking that we often don’t do, and help us uncover thoughts and ideas that might be buried under the surface. Creating space for this type of deeper exploration can also help us shed old ideas and beliefs that no longer ring true for us, to make space for new ideas and learning.
This also might be commenting on the Jupiter/Pluto trine.
This space will help us prepare for Mercury’s next aspect: a conjunction with Jupiter.
(3) Mercury Conjunct Jupiter: Ideation
Mercury will move from its trine to Pluto into a conjunction with Jupiter on June 4 (6:23 am ET at 2º12’ Gemini). In some ways, this can represent a tension of opposites: Mercury is the planet of details and data, while Jupiter is the planet of expansion and the big picture.
Jupiter magnifies what it touches, and conjunct Mercury in Gemini it pulls focus on ideas.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter is a great aspect for ideation, although not necessarily for implementation.
Get out a notebook and write down the ideas as they come; there will be plenty of time later on for sorting through them to determine which ones warrant action.
(4) Communicate With Ease
Mercury loves to communicate and share its message, and one of Jupiter’s super powers is to remove restrictions and boundaries. If you tend to struggle with writer’s block, Jupter’s presence in Gemini with Mercury might help you finally find the words you need and communicate with more ease and flow.
(5) Get Clarity and Insights on Old Problems
On June 14, Mercury will meet up in a conjunction with the Sun, called a Cazimi (12:32 pm, 24º06’ Gemini). This restarts a new cycle for Mercury and is a potent day for going dark to receive insights and new ideas. It can bring clarity of thinking and new solutions to any issues you’ve been trying to “figure out.”
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