For most of us, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime transit that can seed abundant opportunity. But if mishandled, it can lead to spectacular harm.
The last time it happened was 5 months before the 1929 stock market crash. Consider this your warning.
The event in question is Jupiter, planet of abundance and expansion, meeting up with the North Node in Taurus, the sign of money, security, and material resources.
This can bring us major expansion and opportunity. It’s a moment to think big and go big — but to watch for our tendency to over-indulge or get greedy.
The Lunar Nodes
Some quick intel on the nodes: The lunar nodes are not fixed bodies. They are points on the moon’s elliptic.
When the Sun, Moon, and Earth align on these points, we get eclipses.
The Nodes travel “retrograde” — opposite the direction of the planets when the planets are in direct motion. The South Node is always directly opposite the North Node, and the pair spends about 18 months in each pair of opposing zodiac signs before moving to the next axis.
The Nodes are currently wrapping up their transit through the Taurus/Scorpio axis.
In traditional astrology, the North and South Nodes were likened to the head and tail of a dragon, which “ate” the luminaries at the eclipses.
The North Node represents what we hunger for — it’s a place where we are insatiable. Left unchecked, this can be a place of greed that drives us to over-indulgence. Modern astrologers often say the North Node represents our purpose or direction in life; the place where we are headed.
The South Node represents a release point. It’s the place where we are called to let go of the stories, beliefs, behaviors, patterns, and other relics of our past lives that no longer serve us.
Jupiter and North Node in Taurus
The North Node is finishing it’s transit through Taurus, while Jupiter is just getting started.
In Taurus, the North Node has brought focus to how we use our resources, both individually and collectively. It’s reminded us not to get greedy or wasteful with with our resources; to use them responsibly.
Jupiter in Taurus will pull focus to how we can find expansion while living in harmony with the resources we have. In Taurus, a sign that prioritizes security, stability, sustainability reached through a slow and steady approach, Jupiter can help us create long-term sustainability and stability.
Jupiter Conjunct the North Node
Jupiter and the North Node have a lot in common. Both are magnifiers, expansive, growth-oriented, and forward-looking energies. The North Node is directing us to our purpose, while Jupiter wants to find a higher meaning.
Their meeting can be an initiation point for expansive growth that takes in the direction of our life’s purpose.
On the other hand, there’s also the risk of over-indulgence or greed that can sabotage our efforts.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion — the “miracle grow” of the solar system. But it expands everything — including that which may not serve us.
Jupiter can bring over-confidence and cause us to indulge too much. In Taurus, a sign of indulgence, this can have harmful consequences.
The Risk
Jupiter and the North Node come into a conjunction once every 12 years, but not in the same sign. The last time they met in Taurus — the sign of money, finance, agriculture, and resources — was in 1929. The stock market was booming, and everyone piled in. Then the crash happened, just after Jupiter stationed retrograde.
The Opportunity
Taurus is the sign of what we value.
Jupiter helps us redefine standards and set new expectations. As mentioned above, Jupiter is also the planet of wisdom and meaning. It seeks a higher purpose.
Our opportunity with the North Node and Jupiter in Taurus is to redefine what we value to go beyond monetary currency and “stuff.”
In connection with this transit, this quote from comedian Jim Carrey felt particularly resonant:
The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is. Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart. — Jim Carrey
What do you hunger for that will help you create meaning for yourself as well as lasting value and impact for others, without depleting the resources available to you?
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