focus on your part
let others focus on theirs
master the outcome
This is part of a 7-week series exploring the seven core emotional attributes that drive human interaction, as presented by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These attributes are collectively called Sephirot. Each individually is a sephirah.
This week is week 7, and we are exploring Malchut.
Collaboration can be helpful to doing things we would never have done on our own. If we do it effectively.
It starts with being clear on what your part is at this stage of your game. When I’m clear on my part, I can refrain from over-giving or taking over for others.
I can let others to shine in their area of mastery, rather than trying to do it all.
When we take the different parts and weave them together we get a beautiful harmony that is effective collaboration.
We are able to make something beautiful for the world.
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