One side of my personality is a mystical seeker. I love exploring the magical and mystical realms, the esoteric arts of Astrology, Taoism, Kabbalah, Tarot, moon cycles and seasons of nature, crystals and consciousness. I’m drawn to rabbit holes of curiosities like a moth to a flame, and I’m constantly exploring new areas and disciplines.
The other side of my personality is extremely practical. I seek to turn amorphous ideas into a tangible reality. Tarot cards and astrology reports are not just diversions; they are tools I use for creating and producing.
We are here to be creative beings and leave our mark though our creations.
While others may ask about something what does it mean? I’m more likely to ask how can I use this?
At a meeting, I’ll be the one who asks how is that going to work, in practice?
The best theory is useless if it doesn’t work in practice.
Taking ideas from the realm of air, or thought, to earth, or physical manifestation, is one of my super powers.
Malchut: The Realm of Manifesting
In the seven week counting period of the Omer between the Jewish holidays of Passover and Shavuot, this is week 7: the sphere of Malchut.
Malchut translates most directly as kingship or sovereignty. It is also the sphere of mastery and manifestation.
Not manifestation as in “sit around and meditate on it,” but in the meaning of an event, action or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.
Malchut is the culmination of the 7-week process of refining the various attributes. all the upper spheres flow into the emptiness of Malchut, and in return Malchut gives birth to the new form.
The sages taught that we cannot experience spirituality without physicality. We need both, and we need them together.
Spirituality needs a practical foundation to ground it, and the physicality needs spirituality to uplift it.
We stand in the middle: modulating, mediating, manifesting.
This is where the magic happens.

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