Caught in the trance of our busy lives,
we grasp for answers, solutions,
and results
before we’ve even settled
on the question.
Eager to check one more thing
off the list,
as if it were a sure sign
of a steady measure to progress,
we churn ceaselessly toward a destination
whose whereabouts are unknown,
and perhaps undesired.
Can you find the courage to engage in the sweet simplicity of surrender,
landing in this moment
as if it were the final stop
of a long and weary journey?
Those brave enough to slow down
know well
that chasing the game is the easier play,
for the sweet simplicity of surrender
isn’t always so sweet
and is rarely simple.
She requires strength and fortitude,
a willingness to give yourself over
in venerable vulnerability,
to shed the veils that keep you
locked in the prison of your mind.
The courageous few
who allow themselves to pause
sink into the pool of stillness,
which brims with more potent questions and deeper answers.
Can you allow yourself
to dive into this place,
to receive the beneficent
gift of breath
and the nurturing touch
of sweet surrender’s warm embrace?
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...