After five consecutive 20-hour days of hard work, hundreds of deep conversations, and a lot of standing, perhaps a normal response would be to fall into bed in a heap of exhaustion.
But that’s there’s no “normal” when it comes to the community of dedicated servant leaders who volunteer their time to serve on the crew for Tony Robbins.
Instead of collapsing into bed, I went off to a post-event celebration with my Tony Robbins Crew family.
Over four days I had the privilege and opportunity to hold space for people as they shed their doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs. I earned trust and helped create shifts in short amounts of time. I got to help others get clear on where they are stuck.
I did it all while surrounded and supported by an amazing team of like-hearted servant leaders, and while being guided by the best coaches and trainers in the industry.
Environment is more potent than willpower. We learn by observing and modeling those around us. And I am truly grateful for the opportunity to learn from the best.
Eight years ago, I couldn’t imagine I would be in this place. My first Unleash The Power Within was an amazing experience, but I hadn’t considered serving on the crew.
Today, I can’t imagine my life without these experiences. A friend sent me a text the other day:
I bet the UPW high is slightly less after you’ve done it 10 times.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There’s no better feeling than giving back. 10 times. 20 times. 30 times. No limits.
In fact, I find that as my coaching and leadership skills improve, each time is more fulfilling, and more energizing.
Of all the parts of my journey since I started in 2010, this experience has propelled my growth more than any other.
People often wonder why I take time away from my life, give up sleep, put my body through the grueling schedule of an intense immersion event, without monetary compensation.
I volunteer for this. I pay to travel to this.
Those who wonder miss the point.
Giving back is a reward that is priceless. I can’t bottle the feeling. So I keep going back. Because it fills me up like nothing else.
To see others light up with insights and awareness lights me up. To have a hand in someone else’s transformation is my life’s mission and calling.
Fulfillment on unprecedented levels.
This is why I crew.
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