This is the place to find the best of the best.
I write a lot … about a lot of things.
Conventional thinking says that CrossFit, yoga, circus arts, and astrology are all separate niches that deserve their own blogs. Certainly, you wouldn’t dare write about those topics and personal productivity and business growth and branding. And relationships.
The typical advice is to create separate niches.
Welcome to my world. This is not a neurotypical kind of place.
I’m a neurodivergent lawyer, real estate broker, coach, yoga teacher, trapeze artist, and CrossFitter, just to name a few.
I write about productivity and personal development through a myriad of lenses — a prism that gives you a full perspective, or an entry point from whatever interests you.
Different vehicles to explore the same lessons.
Productivity advice and planetary transits have more in common than you think.
Maybe you’re here because you want to read about astrology. Perhaps you’re more interested in time management. You might want to explore the themes of various Jewish holidays. Or maybe you want to explore the world through the lens of CrossFit, flying trapeze, or yoga.
With the volume of work I’ve published, I realize it can be hard to find what you’re looking for.
This is where I try to make it easier.
Introducing Collections.
Collections are groupings of essays that I’ve published on specific topics. Some collections contain a group of essays that I wrote as an intentional series. Others are simply collections of my best essays on a specific topic over a longer period.
Please note this is a work in progress.