Everyone says I should have a bio on my website. I’m typically not a fan of doing things just because people say I should. I’m not a fan of “shoulds” in general. Or of conforming. I march to the beat of my own soundtrack. Just because you can’t hear it doesn’t mean it’s not playing. I’m also not really a big fan of bios. They always seem so stuffy. So static. So … permanent.
The thing about bios is that they only give you one perspective: a snapshot in time.
How do you tell a story that is constantly changing?
That’s my story. That’s me. Constantly changing. Always learning. Always evolving. I follow what Tony Robbins calls “CANI”: Constant And Never-ending Improvement.
But here are some things about me that come to mind… this is just off the top of my head…
I’m an explorer: of life, of emotions, of mindsets and mental models.
I am an idea machine. Do you need an idea? Hit me up. I’ve got more than I can use in a lifetime.
I am part thinker (some would say over-thinker) and part feeler. I’m working on doing less of the former and more of the latter.
For most of my life, I was an opinionated, Type-A achiever, striver, driver leading with my masculine (Yang) energy. Over the past few years, I have been learning to embrace the feminine (Yin) energy, to receive, go with the flow, listen to my inner wisdom and intuition, and accept my softer side. I’m no less opinionated, by the way. I just try to channel it differently now. I meditate. I slow down. I listen. I embrace the pause.
Try it. It really helps. Especially if you have a brain like mine, which moves at a million miles per hour.
I am a researcher in what I affectionately call “The Lab of Me.” I put my body, mind, emotions and spirit through experiments and tests, and I report back on the findings.
Well, I report back when I can get over myself enough to publish.
Most of my experiments are in the areas of what it means to be a human being in this complex world.
The questions that keep me up at night include the following:
- what are the capabilities and limits of the human body?
- how are our physical capabilities affected by our mindsets and emotions?
- how do our physical capabilities affect our mindsets and emotions?
- why do some of the smartest people struggle the most?
- how do we get in our own way, and how can we stop doing that?
- what does it mean to be productive?
- what does it mean to be successful?
- how much should we rely on intuition vs hard evidence?
- why are people so resistant to change?
- why are people so resistant to accepting other people and other viewpoints?
- what are we really afraid of?
- how can we find focus in an age of increasing distraction?
- why is our culture (in America) so resistant to the display of human emotion?
- why do the most talented people I know seem to be the ones who struggle most with self-confidence, self-worth and self-love?
- how can we shift the consciousness of our culture and re-prioritize our values on a global level?
- where’s the line between keeping high standards and embracing “good enough?”
These are the surface questions… It may not surprise you to learn that I don’t sleep particularly well.
Perhaps the reason I dislike bios so much is that I tend to defy description. I’m more of an experience. Like a sunset: multi-colored, and I look different from different angles. I’m never the same two days in a row.
So if you really want to know more about me, you’ll have to subscribe and read the blog.
A More Formal Bio
Here is something that someone wrote about me and it tells you a little about how others perceive me. If you need to introduce me to an audience, this will work well. It’s all accurate
Renée Fishman is a creative spirit, intellectual and student of life in NYC who believes that all business is personal and relationships are the foundation of success. She is an attorney, award-winning residential real estate broker, educator, and consultant who uses a holistic approach to helps leaders and owners live in a better place physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Renée is passionate about raising the standard of how we engage and communicate as we advance into the digital age. She is fiercely curious about the world and possesses an insatiable hunger for adventure and learning. She seeks to engage at a deep level with purpose, intelligence and passion, and strives to add value by helping leaders get clear on how to find fulfillment through their achievements.
She is a frequent speaker and consultant to real estate agents and other business owners on topics including social media, leveraging technology, branding, marketing, sales and relationship-building in the digital age. She has contributed to Owner Magazine, The Halstead Blog, several legal briefs, and Soap Opera Digest magazine (really!!).
As a constant student of personal development and leadership, Renée seeks to understand why we do what we do, what motivates us, and how we can push through our fears.
Renée received her B.A. in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania and her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law. She is a native of New York City and can often be found testing the limits of gravity through swimming, flying trapeze and trampoline.
She welcomes interaction and can be found @reneefishman on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest or wherever else you like to engage.
My primary business is as a residential real estate broker in NYC, where I am affiliated with Halstead Property. Due to NY State advertising regulations, I will not be promoting my real estate business on this site. Please click here to learn more about me in that context. I am always happy to help you get clarity on your home life and real estate needs, whether in NYC or by connecting you with one of my global affiliates.