In whatever you are going through, you are not alone. To find the support you seek, you only need a willingness to speak your truth.
How to Be Vulnerable Without Oversharing
Vulnerability can be a powerful force to deepen connection and trust with others. But in the wrong context it can backfire, leaving us feeling scarred from rejection. How can you embrace your truth without oversharing?
The Greatest Gift We Can Give
[spacer size=”40″] We live in a time when it is easy for us to express ourselves through writing, visuals and audio. But are we sharing what really matters?
Creating Credibility Through Vulnerability
As I stepped up to the microphone, I had no idea what I was going to say. I was at Lisa Sasevich’s Speak to Sell bootcamp. 400 people were in the room. She had asked for volunteers to share about a time when we said “yes” to ourselves. My hand had gone up, and she […]