You can do anything for 30 days. But if you really want it to change you then you must commit for longer. This is the best tip for how to endure.
Full Moon: Celebration and Gratitude
The full moon is a culmination: a time for celebration, gratitude and release.
Embracing Radical Self-Care
Spa days and smoothies are big business, but true self-care is more simple and radical: nourishment for the soul.
New Moon in Scorpio: Finding Joy in Not Knowing
The new moon is a test of faith, asking us to find joy in not knowing that which remains unresolved.
How to Leverage the Energy Trifecta of the Summer Solstice
Today brings a trifecta of planetary events that will either set us up for success or create chaos. Here’s what you need to do to leverage it.
Using the Moon Phases to Live a Higher Quality Life
Cultivate the patience to be where you are, and you will find your full-moon phase in due time.