The concept of “balance” in life is a myth. In balance, life is stuck. Instead, seek Harmony that comes from honoring all voices.
Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Rules?
If not kept in check, efforts to weed out distractions can also keep out the things that give life meaning.
New Moon in Libra: Restoring Balance
The new moon in Libra is an invitation to restore balance and harmony to your life.
An Alternative to the Elusive Work/Life Balance
Instead of chasing the myth of work/life balance, aspire to achieve the more attainable alternative of integration.
How to Achieve Life Balance
Stop striving for the non-existent work-life balance, and instead focus on an attainable way to achieve life balance.
Unparalyze Yourself
If your body was always in one position you’d be paralyzed. The same goes with your mindset and attitudes.