The Sun is the brightest light in the sky, the object around which everything else revolves. Without its light, life on earth would not be possible.
In astrology the Sun represents the self: our way of being in the world. It represents both our ego and our higher self, or soul purpose. The Sun is how we shine. It is our vitality, our visibility, our individuality, our purpose. It is our leadership, our inner authority, inner power, and influence.
All planets in a natal chart represent different parts of the self, and all ultimately serve the Sun’s purpose.
The symbol for the Sun — a circle with a dot in the center — is similar to the Jungian symbol for individuation.
The Sun represents the hero archetype. In myth, the hero’s journey requires the hero to transcend big obstacles in their quest. Ultimately, the hero transcends the little ego and finds integration of the higher self.
The obstacles calling to be transcended may show themselves a little more readily as the Sun in Gemini comes into a square with Saturn in Pisces (June 9, 6:35 am ET at 19°05’).
Saturn, once thought to be the outer limits of the solar system, represents boundaries and limitations. This planet represents outer authority. It’s the archetype of the taskmaster, the teacher, the disciplinarian. It’s the planet of rules and restrictions.
Squares are aspects of friction, providing us with an obstacle to navigate in order to transcend the sticking point.
Sun Square Saturn: Meeting a Limitation
High achievers like to believe we can conquer anything if we just work hard enough and put our mind to it.
When we are trying to do something and bump up against a limitation, it can be a bruise to the ego.
When the Sun squares Saturn, it shows us where we’re meeting a limitation.
That limitation may appear in any number of forms: traffic, gridlock, rules imposed by an outside authority, a heavy load you need to carry, an injury, a skill you need that you don’t yet have.
A Reality Check
When we want to push hard or go fast, Saturn forces us to stop.
Is there any bigger blow to the ego than to be forced to stop when you want to push forward?
Saturn is a master teacher, and it provides a reality check.
Maybe you don’t yet have the skill you need.
Maybe you’re not yet strong enough for that lift.
Maybe you don’t yet have the resources to do what you want to do on your own.
The unconscious reaction to challenges of the square are to push back against the limitation: rebel against authority, play the victim to the rules, fight the constraints.
Blame your “stuckness” on the outer force.
All of these reactions are ways in which we try to protect the ego.
Ultimately, they won’t work.
How many times will you bang your head against the same wall before you exhaust yourself or reach the limits of your frustration?
There’s another way.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Navigate the Roadblock of Sun Square Saturn
Consciously Navigate the Square
Instead of pushing back against the limitation, we can use the moment to acknowledge where we’ve pushed too far, where we need to pull back, or where we need to reallocate resources.
Saturn forces us to concede where we need to rest or set limits.
Alterantively, it can prompt us to acknowledge where we need to build our strength — so we can carry the weight of responsibility and obligation without breaking down. This is the purpose of weight training.
Rather than continuing to bang on the door that seems to be closed to you, you can find someone with the key to open it.
Where might we benefit from the aid of a teacher or mentor who can guide us, instead of trying to forge a path alone?
Or, perhaps with the perspective of distance that rest affords, you’ll find a completely different path that takes you around the limitation.
All of these approaches require us to transcend the small ego for our higher purpose, to put side our ego wants now for what will fulfill our long-term purpose.
That’s the purpose of Saturn: to help us build what will stand the test of time.
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