Whether you’re trying to write or doing another task that requires cognitive bandwidth and creative thinking, there’s nothing worse than staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor.
This is where most people give up, or give into distractions.
Instead of falling down the rabbit hole of social media, checking email, or deferring the project for another time, only to lose momentum, what you need is a way to get distance while staying with it.
I’ve published a daily blog for over 6 years. At this point, I’ve written and published close to 3,000 essays.
It’s not always easy. Sometimes I can get stuck in an idea, or have too many ideas that I don’t have clarity on a direction.
Here is my secret for navigating the inevitable moments of “writer’s block”:
In this context, all movement is not equal.
This is not about a workout, or pushing your limits. In fact, it’s the opposite:
What I seek when my mind is stuck is a form of repetitive movement that I can do without any cognitive load.
Here are some examples of forms of movement that are especially helpful:
- Walking or running, outside or on a treadmill
- The row machine, the ski erg, or an air bike
- Swimming
- A simple yoga flow that repeats a handful of poses, done to the length of 1–3 songs.
I’m especially particular to the air bike here for the one perk it offers: freedom to use my hands to quickly write some notes on my phone as ideas start to free up.
When you’re feeling stuck, step away from your screen and start moving. Find a pattern to create repetition. It’s through the repetition that can open the door to revelations and insights.
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