If you generally like to move fast, how do you react when you are forced to slow down the pace of your action?
Do you go with the flow? Do you get angry? Do you become enraged?
This is a dynamic we get to explore as Mars transits through the sign of Taurus. Mars entered Taurus on June 9, 2024 and will be in the fixed Earth sign until July 20, 2024.
In astrology, every planet represents an archetype that exists within us. Mars represents our will, determination, and proclivity to take action. It’s our competitive drive, our desire to win.
Emotionally and psychologically, Mars represents our anger, impulsivity, and rage. This is the Warrior planet, the planet that gives us words like “martial” — and Mars loves to fight.
Here are 3 ways to work with the energy of Mars in Taurus:
(1) Embrace a Slower Pace
The sign that a planet is in influences how the planet expresses its functions. In this case, Mars’ core function is to take action.
Mars in Taurus is a very different quality of Mars than Mars in Aries or Scorpio, where it is in its home.
In Taurus, Mars is said to be in “detriment” because it is opposite its home sign of Scorpio. Far away from home, it doesn’t have all the resources it ideally wants.
Mars likes to move fast. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is a sign that prizes slow and steady.
This does not mean that Mars can’t take action in Taurus. Rather, it’s a different type of action.
With Mars in Taurus, we are called to shift how we take action. Rather than rushing into something impulsively, as we might do with Mars in Aries, Mars in Taurus encourages us to find the rhythm of our bodies — to embrace our own pace.
This can actually be a good thing — even helpful.
Slow and steady action is the type of approach that can help us build something sustainably over the long term while protecting our nervous systems and staving off burnout.
That mantra “slow and steady wins the race” is a fitting theme for Mars in Taurus.
(2) Develop Patience and Persistence
Taurus sometimes gets mistaken as a place of passivity, laziness or stubbornness, but this is a misread. This is the sign of the bull. In Taurus, Mars is far from incompetent or passive.
The impulsivity of Mars in Aries that can be helpful for starting things — especially without overthinking them — often doesn’t last.
Mars in Taurus helps us tap into our patience and persistence to continue taking action to see a project through to the end.
Like the bull, Mars in Taurus doesn’t give up or give in easily. It grounds down, roots in, and settles in for the long haul.
It has the patience for long, tedious, or monotonous projects. Consistently showing up daily to take small steps forward is the hallmark of action in the bull’s sign.
Obstacles are simply a part of the process for Mars in Taurus. When obstacles arise, Mars in Taurus encourages us to take a step back and look for alternate paths.
(3) Watch Your Anger
Mars also represents the emotion of anger. In Taurus, a sign where we hold onto things, our Martial parts might also hold onto anger — sometimes longer than necessary.
Anger can be a helpful source of fuel for motivation and action, but we should watch out for where we rely too much on this source of fuel. When we holding on to anger for too long, it can build into rage, which, like a volcano, can erupt at any time.
While Mars is in Taurus, we want to consciously work with our anger before it calcifies into rage or boils over, sabotaging our relationships and actions.
Learning healthy ways to express your anger is a good personal development project for this transit.
Want more support in maximizing your potential and productivity? Contact me to learn about individual astrology-based consults and longer-term productivity coaching.
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